Date: January 7 2012
Time: 9am to 2pm
Knowing how to build a quick, effective shelter in inclement weather, is more often than not, even more important than getting a fire going. A fire may only be possible once a suitable site is chosen and a Shelter erected. We will also build a safe fire pit with reflector walls, as part of the sheltered area. Ideally, we would like someone to get a fire going using a friction method. Fire by friction is something that should be practiced in numerous weather conditions with varying materials.

There are numerous types of shelters, with varying degrees of permanency, that supply specific needs. The basic survival shelter though, should be small and fast to build, using simple tools, or none at all. All members are encouraged to share their ideas of shelter construction, either from reading and watching videos or from first hand experience. We would like to put everyones experience together in order to master these skills.