Time: 11am to 3pm
We will attempt the following Cooking Techniques:
• Bannock making using a stick
• Water Boiling with hot rocks
• Egg Frying with flat stones
You are more than welcome to try the food, but don’t rely on it for sustenance. Still bring a snack or lunch and water. We will make some conifer tea with the boiling water, so bring a mug and some utensils for sampling.
Pick something from the following list to bring:
• a dozen eggs
• firewood – 2 or 3 bags
• 1 jar of jam
• 1 small jar of honey
• large old wooden bowl
• bottles of water
• roasting sticks
The finished product, YUM! |
Bannock Recipe
Serves 3 or 4
2 1/2 cup flour
2 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
1 T brown sugar
1/4 cup butter or fat
Combine ingredients in a large ziploc bag.
On trail, slowly at water 1 Tbsp at a time, kneading the dough inside the bag, until it reaches desired consistancy. Roll dough into a long tub, then wrap into a spiral around a long green roasting stick. Cook till golden brown, add jam or honey, and enjoy!
Variations: add cinnamon and raisins and/or crasins and nuts
add thyme, rosemary and sage (or any desired combination of savory herbs)