For thousands of years, our ancestors lived immersed in their environments. Come, explore the many skills and techniques used all over the world to survive. Through recreating the equipment and skills used, we hope to gain a better understanding of our natural environment, and be equipt to sustain in it. We are a group of people getting together to share, learn and practice ancient bushcraft techniques and technologies. Practicing the old skills such as fire by friction, shelter construction, edible and medicinal food harvesting and preparation, bark containers, basket making, packframes, tool construction, flint knapping, pottery, traditional tanning, as well as many more ancient outdoor living skills. Our purpose is to reconnect with nature through recreating our ancestors skills and crafts. All experience levels are welcome.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cook-out: Fire-building skills, stone cooking techniques

Date: April 20, 2013
Time: 11am to 3pm

We will attempt the following Cooking Techniques:
• Bannock making using a stick
• Water Boiling with hot rocks
• Egg Frying with flat stones 

You are more than welcome to try the food, but don’t rely on it for sustenance. Still bring a snack or lunch and water. We will make some conifer tea with the boiling water, so bring a mug and some utensils for sampling.
Pick something from the following list to bring:

• a dozen eggs 

• firewood – 2 or 3 bags 

• 1 jar of jam 

• 1 small jar of honey

• large old wooden bowl

• bottles of water

• roasting sticks 

The finished product, YUM!
Please e-mail me with the item of your choice, and I will let you know if we have it covered or not, and what the gaps are. 

Dress warm, it may still be cold or even snowy. Bring a few bucks for the campsite. 

Bannock Recipe 
Serves 3 or 4

2 1/2 cup flour
2 t             baking powder
1/2 t         salt
1 T            brown sugar
1/4 cup    butter or fat

Combine ingredients in a large ziploc bag.  
On trail, slowly at water 1 Tbsp at a time, kneading the dough inside the bag, until it reaches desired consistancy. Roll dough into a long tub, then wrap into a spiral around a long green roasting stick.  Cook till golden brown, add jam or honey, and enjoy!

Variations: add cinnamon and raisins and/or crasins and nuts
                     add thyme, rosemary and sage (or any desired combination of savory herbs)